sebelum aku citer psal member2 aku,nk share ckit..
ptg tadi de pilot mas dtg umah..ahahaha..mude glerrrr...ensem lak tue!!ahahahaha
aku nie lak,time tue nak gi mandi,ternampak bibik aku kat luar,aku ingatkan ape la die duk kat luar sorg2 tue,aku gi aa luar nak tengok bibik aku tue.
So,ngan muke tgh berpeluh(baru abes wat konsert dalam bilik..hehe),rambut tengah serabai,towel kat tangan..aku gi aa luar.
"acik wat ape tue??"
Sekali semua org kat luar tue pandang aku.
Bibik aku,atok aku,pak cik kpd bibik aku,n pilot tue.Semua pandang.
Da la TERbuat eye contact ngan pilot tue,ahakssss,glerrr malue!hahaha.cepat2 lari masuk dalam bilik air.kahkahkah
But then,bile aku nmpk mke pilot tue,otak aku terpancar muke someone nie,muke member aku aa.Bile pk2 balik,huh,sejibik ngak muke pilot tue n mke member aku nie.
Oh..speaking of member..haaa...rase nk citer2 sikit psal2 member2 yg sentiase menyerikan kehidupan aku yang sepi nie..huhue
Syaz(gurl in pink) of my closes fren...lately nie,ngan die jelah aku berceloteh..haha...die taw psal crushes aku,gaya aku,pemikiran aku..haha...she's a great fren,and a great listener too.Friendly,kind and talkative and giler bergambar,those are the words that describes her . And fav colour die pink!haha.Oh..n fanatic ngan novel2 melayu .
Zainab(di sebelah)....woaahhh...aku salute glerr ngan minah nie.Dia akan berusaha untuk dpt ape yg die nak.Wateva things yg die set kat otak die,she's going to accomplish it.She's a fighter,more like it.
Die nie,rock2 n gempak2 sikit,VERY up-to-date,boleh dikatekan internet bergerak aa..semua mende die taw.huhue.Kalo aku de masalah ke mende ke,perlukan advice ker,she's one of the first yg aku call utk mintak advice.Die slalu bagi advice yg logic2 gitu,n she helped me a lot.n die nie,smart n ambitious.n,selepas witness betape baeknye die ngan adek die,haha,i can say that she's a very good sis.huhue,unlike me.kahkahkah.n Zainab nie pun,fanatic gler2 ngan novels. fav kazen.Haaa...aku sayang glerr ngan kazen aku nie.She's the best!Always gives me great advice,n we have a lot in common.haha.A great buddy,a great family . Very photogenic.haha(tol x??pic)
Laila aka Madame Laila.haha.Carpool buddy aku.haha.Haaa...die da g plkn da.A great friend,she is.Helpfull n in love with Prince William..huhue.Mase aku mule2 masuk skola puteri dulu,laila la antara kawan pertame yg aku kenal.Dia agak pendiam n pemalu gak aa.Bila die bawak kete n dpt pecut lori ke trailer ker,haha,kembang idung die.haha,bangga laa sgt.adue2..haha.Well,Im not going to see for the next 3 months . way to describe her.math n addmath genius!Serious.huhue.n Tkah nie suke glerrr ngan komik,fanatic aa.huhue.Ape agi ehh?Hmm..well,friendly,always smiling!Jarang aku tgk die x senyum...Bile aku nmpk die jer,mesti die tgh senyum.huhue.X kedekut senyuman Tkah nie.(^_^)
Nrul...kawan rapat aku dan enemy aku.haha.Bile aku rapat ngan die,mmg rapat gler2 aaa.Bile aku gado ngan die,mmg gado gler2.Sumtimes,bile gado tue,aku pun xtaw ape sebab nye.Arini gelak ketawa mcm biase,otak jadik sengal2 sikit,n the next day,tibe2 x tegur aku!Punyalaa aku pk,ape aku da wat?Kalo kite org gado,bukan sehari or seminggu,berbulan2 oo.Ade skali nie,2 bulan kte org x bertegur,tegur sikit2 jer bile kene wat discussion.Lebih terok agi,da aa die duk sebelah aku,kat kelas n kat tucen.Mmg muke die je laa yg aku pndg bile aku toleh kanan kat dlm kelas n kat tucen . N then,few months later,die tegur aku mcm bese.Ya Allah..mmg aku x paham btol ngan member aku nie.Tapi,setelah nk dekat 5 taun aku kwn ngan die,mmg aku da masak sgt ngan perangai die tue.Bile aku tanye,'asal ko x tegur2 aku punye lame nie?'...jawapan die,'saje jer..aku boring aa,xde gado2..asyik glak jerr.Bile gado,best sikit.hehe.'..Ya Allah..sabo jela aku time tue.Tapi,die still maintain as kwn rapat aku yg giler2.Biar otak die giler2 sikit bile die geng ngan aku,tapi otak die genius maaa.haha.Sekepale aa kite org nie.
Amy...salah sorg kawan yg slalu berpindah randah.haha.Pendiam,pemalu..tapi mempunyai semangat yg sgt kental.
Hellena...hmmm...da lame x jumpe,da lame x contact.Tapi,Hellena nie merupakan bestfren pertame aku..haha..aku knal die time skola rendah dulu,mase darjah 3 x silap aku..seb bek smpai skang kte org keep in touch. : ) old and one of my very 1st best fren . Dulu pendiam glerr...skang,wah...she definitely turned into a beautiful swan.huhue.Although da lame x contact,we still care about each other.And,sumtimes,i would pick up the phone,n give her call,mintak advice,n berceloteh selame yg boleh.haha.Time mude2 dulu,mase still duk kat s.alam,number dier jela yg timbul kat bil tepon aku..hahaha..because she's a great listener,a great fren,understands me a lot n talktive too.huhue.n she's my twin sis,until now!(hopefully)huhue
luv yaa!
hmmmm..asyik pompuan jer...guys plak.
Michael....aku kenal die time form 4,tapi x penah cakap ngan die,takat sms jer..haha.Tapi rapat gak aa.Kalo die de masalah,esp berkaitan ngan gurls,die mesti tanye pendapat aku(mike,if u read this,correct or not??haha).And he's a great guy too.Very handsome,n smart.haha.Ex St Paul student,n now studying in Inti.Haven't contact him for a while,though.I can say that,Im very close with him,dalam phone.huhue.But still,he's a great fren.(^^) komen seyhh...IT freak.haha.Smart,ambitious.Da kawan for about 4 years,tapi baru jumpe n bercakap sekali jer.haha.n prash nie,slalu gak aa aku tolong selesaikan masalah2 die.haha.One thing bout this guy,VERY ambitious.Oh..i already mentioned that.haha chattin buddy.Dia da g plkn daa...*sob*sob*...ex classmate time form1 dulu.Math n +math freak.X ske bace buku.haha.n he's also IT freak.n blagak glerr ngan aku time da dpt lesen,siap tunjuk isyarat Loser.haha
Farhab aka Paan....errrmmmmmmmmmmm......*blurrr*
haha..okay2.Funny,caring..n 2 years older than me.N very smart.A basketball guy.Bape banyak promises daa aku janji ngan die.Eh,no2,silap2.Die janji ngan aku.haha.Janji nk blanje makan,janji nak lawan badminton...adue..haha.Lame gak x contact die.Die busy kot,so...xmo kaco aa.
Daus...x sangke aku masukkan gak name die.ahaha.Daus nie,mmg agak terkenal ngan mulut die tanpe insurans tue.haha,sowwie.Tapi die nia agak baek,n ambitious gak..(bile bace balik blog aku nie,ramainye kawan aku yg ambitious.haha).Aku stat kawan ngan die time skola rendah dulu,n bile da nek skola nengah,trus x contact.Tapi mase form4 ke form5(x ingt aa)die stat contact aku balik.n since then,da terjalin semula persahabatan yg da terputus.hahaha.*ayat xley tahan*
Dia suke gler2 ngan aeroplane.haha.N die hope dpt masuk miat or poly n amek aircraft maintenance.well,daus,i wish u luck!
Last but not ko pun aku masukkan gak.haha.
hmmm...ape nk cakap ehh...?hmmm...errrr....*sigh*..cannot think of a thing.haha.xde laa..men2 jer.
K,k...Ghazree,member time skola rendah gak..dulu muke glerr innoncent,plus ngan rmbt spike dier tue,adue..haha..tapi skang,da berubah maaa.No more innoncent looking face.Da macho da member aku nie.Da lame x jumpe la katekan...tol x?In love with music.haha.n games!!!ahaksss!
so far,nie laa name2 yg ader kat otak aku skang nie...kepada mereka yg aku lupe nk tulis psal korg,maaf eh.Kalo ader name yg aku x mention,just remember,kawan2 aku semua best2 n caring n a truely great fren.
Kepada name2 di atas,ampun&maaf kalo terkasar bahase.NOT.haha..xde laaa
Jangan trase ati,kalo ader yg trase laaa...
keep it cool
peace out!
weh! npe naufal ada tp aku tade!
kongasam! =p
Aten!MA very2 best fren!!!
Luv her,adore her,ape agi??haha
a truely great,fantastic fren.Oh yea..kembar siam aku time form1..hahaha
luv ya!!!!
luv u too! hahaha.
bile nk dtg sni weh~
aritu ckp nk dtg. =p
pendiam erk???hahaha...maybe kot....sometime...waktu skrg org ckp amy dah kuat mengusik...maybe master ajar...hahaha...
haha...ur master???
sape tuee??
u rite bout me dear!
syg ko ark!
hoho...syg ko gakk!!haha
syg korg smue aa,abes cter.haha
jaja!me a photogenic girl???
btw,thks 4 saying that i'm ur best cousin ever!!
u're my BEST COUSIN EVER too!!!
hehe..nice blog!!
=P always take care,k!!
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