Tuesday, July 6, 2010

update!! :D

sorry guys!!!
lame x update!!
well..xleh nak on9 lame2 ni.cuz..hehe..curik2 pkai laptop n modem kak long.haha.
this is our first week for the new semester.
baru part2 jer..lek aa.
so far everything ok kot. abit boring la sbb blum stat blaja ape2 lg kan..well,except for Introduction for Cpmmunication & Media Studies.
Sounds fun. Tapi kena buat research!n topic group saya adalah Movies.
dgr2..kena interview org2 industry perfileman.wahh!!!
n then..lepas rindue kat budak2 klas.
every1 looks the same tp ade la certain mcm dah laen ckit.
for example, Kama.
rambut dier..PERGHHHHH!!!
rambut die dah x mcm singe lg dah.hahaha.da lawa dah.
i'll update the pictures later,phone tgh charge dlm blik.
n then..BBA punye rambut lak dah ade ala2 rambot afro.
haha.die x potong rambut b4 dtg sini.so..die ckp la..rambot aku kalau dah pnjg mmg mcm nieh..
so,sbb tu la kite org pggl die BBA,which stands for Big Boss Afro. XD
n then...everything n everyone looks pretty much the same.
my juniors tu,so far ok2 jer.

so..dah la.enough for now.
oh..btw..kalau ade sape2 yg taw germany nye match lwn spain bile,plz inform me.text laaa.i'm soo confused!!ade org ckp mlm nie(selase) pkol 2.30pg kang..ade org ckp esk(rabu) pkol 2.30pg..heyshh!!!!

luv u.

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