Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Korean Drama Quotes(mostly BOF,lol)

“We have only one heart for one person. If you’ve given it to someone, you’ll have none left for others.” - 1% of Anything

“You broke my heart, tissue won’t fix it” - 200 Pounds of Beauty

“If everything can be settled by the word sorry, why would then law and police exist?” - Ji-Hoo , Boys over Flower .

I am a good liar in the first place but falling for seol gong chan has made me stop lying." Ju Yoo rin.
"I've never told a lie but falling for Ju Yoo rin has made me lied often." Seol gong chan , My Girl

"Why u choose me?I'm not beautiful,I'm not rich,I'm not intelligent,I dont have anything."
Jan di .
"I dont need all of that.Cause i have that all.I just want u,That's all.." Jun Pyo , Boys Over Flower.

“I wasn’t the air. I guess I was just a breeze that was under the illusion of being the air.
The breeze….can’t return to a place it already left ." Yi jeong , Boys Over Flower .

"I don't know. Everything's a mess; I feel like a bomb has gone off in my head. What should I do? What can I do?" Jun pyo , Boys Over Flower .

"Children.. in front of what they really want, they don't hesitate. Because if they lose it.. they know they'll start crying." Gaeul , Boys Over Flower .


aten said...

ada slh skit yg ayt junpyo 2.
die ckp, "i dont need all of that.cause i have the look,money and fame. i just want you to be geum jandi."
hahaha. =pp

Aziza KZM said...

thx for correcting me.