Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Germany VS Ghana. Told you Germany gonna win. haha

Mesut Ozil, I under estimated you, man. You did great. Really great! XD

Thanks to Ozil, Germany won against Ghana, 1-0.
Ghana was a no joke. They played really well too.
But Germany had to win. This was like a do-or-die mission. They either had to win this game, or basically-DIE TRYING.
xde la smp die.
But,yeah..pretty much a do-or-die mission laa.
N my prediction was right,obviously.haha.
Germany nie..mcm ader 1 pattern laa.
mcm euro 2years ago, 1st match,germany mng.2nd match-HANCUR!But 3rd match,dorg naek blk.
World cup kali nie pon same gak.
1st match aritu,waw.Outstanding.2nd match,ugh..kalah.3rd match yg against Ghana nie,mng.
But,even with 1 goal against Ghana,its good enough for the Germans to qualify to the next round.
and that means,next match for germany is..

27th JUNE, 10PM

holy shit!
Arfiq nye team!!!!
Damn it!
My heartbeat getting faster n faster.(can u feel my heartbeat?~2PM, Heartbeat)
plleeeaaassseeeeee T.T
Germany had to win !!!!

Oh!speaking of Arfiq..tq for keeping me awake last nite.
kalau u x call,konpem2 i tertido trus while nak tunggu Germany nye match tu.
(tp..after half-time,mmg i dah dozed off trus.bgn2 jer, laen tgh men.How cuak i was.Tgk highlights,woo-hoo!!Germanny menang!!haha)
Thx anyway.
n congrats..England mng jugak against..against..sp?x kesah la..they won..n going to face Germany in their next match.
n Portugal against Brazil, ermm...26th June eh?
2 of the biggest name in World Cup. Portugal have my vote.
But Brazil,kaka xde..mcm mn??
May the best team win.

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